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  • Reader



batteryLevel?: number

The reader's battery level, represented as a boxed float in the range [0, 1]. If the reader does not have a battery, or the battery level is unknown, this value is null. (Bluetooth readers only.)

batteryStatus: BatteryStatus

The reader's battery status. Usable as a general classification for the current battery state.

deviceSoftwareVersion?: string

The reader's current device software version, or null if this information is unavailable.

deviceType: DeviceType

The reader's device type.

ipAddress?: string

The IP address of the reader. (Internet reader only.)

isAvailableUpdate?: boolean

True if there is an available update.

isCharging?: boolean

The reader's charging state, represented as a boolean. If the reader does not have a battery, or the battery level is unknown, this value is null. (Bluetooth readers only.)

label?: string

A custom label that may be given to a reader for easier identification. (Verifone P400 only.)

livemode?: boolean

Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

locationId?: string

The ID of the reader’s Location.

Internet readers remain registered to the location specified when registering the reader to your account. For internet readers, this field represents that location. If you need to change your internet reader's location, re-register the reader and specify the new location id in the location param. See https://stripe.com/docs/api/terminal/readers/create

Bluetooth readers are designed to be more mobile and must be registered to a location upon each connection. For Bluetooth readers, this field represents the last location that the reader was registered to. If the reader has not been used before, this field will be nil. If you associate the reader to a different location while calling connectBluetoothReader, this field will update to that new location's ID.



locationStatus: LocationStatus

Used to tell whether the location field has been set. Note that the Verifone P400 and simulated readers will always have an unknown locationStatus. (Chipper 2X BT and WisePad 3 only.)

serialNumber: string

The reader's serial number.

simulated: boolean

True if this is a simulated reader.

DiscoveryConfiguration objects with simulated = true produce simulated Readers.

The networking status of the reader: either offline or online. Note that the Chipper 2X and the WisePad 3's statuses will always be offline. (Verifone P400 only.)

stripeId?: string

The Stripe unique identifier for the reader.

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